The main objective of this Dhamma Discussion series is to provide an opportunity to those of us in North America  and around the world who have limited or no access to a Buddhist Temple or Dhamma Discussion group to take part in a live Dhamma Discussion led by a Venerable Monk.

You are kindly invited to take part in this Dhamma Discussion Series. Please feel free to forward this invitation any of our friends who may be interested in taking part in this Dhamma Discussion Series. Please get those who are planning to participate in this call to forward their contact details to us so that weI can include them in the mailing list and plan for adequate conference bridge resources.

We are pleased to inform you that we will be able to support a total of 500 connections worldwide over the telephone as well as internet VOIP facilitated through Skype ( for our weekly meetings. With the unique setup that we will be utilizing, the conference participants will be able to join the Dhamma discussion seamlessly with either a traditional telephone call or over internet Skype.

In addition to the main Teleconference bridge in USA, participants from 10 European countries will have the option to use local telephone numbers to join the conference. The others can join the conference via Skype from anywhere in the world where there is a broadband internet connection.

May you be well, happy and peaceful!

How to Participate

Participants using Telephones:

Dial the USA conference bridge number (+1-805-309-2350) when dialing from USA, Canada or any other country.

Enter the Conference ID ("9120699") followed by # when prompted

Participants using Web:

Please use on a browser to join the conference using a web call.

Conference ID : 9120699

Participant Commands:
*6 - Unmute/Mute your own line so other people can/can't hear you talking (toggle on/off)

Dhamma Topics

Please contact us

  • To add to our mailing list
  • To contribute articles
  • or If you have any questions, remarks , or suggestions

We would like to invite all participants of the Dhamma Discussion to propose any topics that you would like to be discussed in a forthcoming session. Please e-mail your topics of interest directly to, or submit via "contact us" page . Thanks

May you be well, happy and peaceful!

Click to listen, Sasara Vasana Thuru by W. D Amaradeva

Our Other Sites

Great Lakes Buddhist Vihara,

Ven. Bhikkhuni Kusuma,