The teleconference on Saturday, May 15, 2010, 7:00PM-9:00PM (EST), will be conducted in the form of a Dhamma Deshana by Ven. Dr. Madawela Punnaji Thero of Buddhist Maha Vihara, Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, followed by a Question and Answer session.
The topic for Dhamma Deshana will be: "Tanha Nirodha - Eliminating emotion is the solution".
[As some of you may know, Ven. Dr. Punnaji Thero was scheduled to deliver the above dhamma deshana in our Dhamma Conference last week, and was unable to join us last week as he was not feeling very well.]
Please also note that this Dhamma Deshana will be the fifth of a series of eight (8) invaluable Dhamma Deshanas that Ven. Dr. Madawela Punnaji Thero is in the process of delivering in our Dhamma Conference. Here are the details:
Deshana 1: Dukkha - We have forgotten that our life is insecure (Date: February 27, 2010) [Completed]
Deshana 2: Bhava - We are dreaming that we are existing (Date: March 13, 2010) [Completed]
Deshana 3: Tanha - The cause of our insecurity is emotion (March 20, 2010)[completed]
Deshana 4: Avijja - Emotion is not only painful it is also blind (May 1, 2010)[completed]
Deshana 5: Tanha Nirodha - Eliminating emotion is the solution (May 15, 2010) [completed]
Deshana 6: Manasa Pasanna - Conscious systematic thinking must rule our life (May 22, 2010)
Deshana 7: Cittan Dantam Sukha Vahan - Learn to control emotion (May 29, 2010)
Deshana 8: Panna - Eliminate emotion by a paradigm shift (June 5, 2010)