The teleconference on Saturday, April 24, 2010, 7:00PM-9:00PM (EST), will be will be conducted in the form of a Dhamma Deshana based on Patta Kamma Sutta [AN 4.61]” by Ven. Dr. Udagama Sumangala Thero of Dharma Vijaya Buddhist Vihara, Los Angeles, CA, USA, followed by a Question and Answer / Discussion session on the same topic.
Patta-Kamma Sutta - Four things the most wished-for in life.
Synopsis: Life, if viewed from perspective of everyday reality, is not complete without achieving a decent status in the society. There are indeed quite a number of factors leading to achieve that necessary status. Everyone has to struggle to make life a real fulfillment of one's dreams. How to make life either a partial fulfillment or a complete one is that which concerns us all the time. Here in this discourse with social themes, you will learn some moral and spiritual elements that are required to make life a possible fulfillment, if not a perfect one though. This discourse is a presentation of life seen through a multiple-perspective.