The teleconference on Saturday, March 27, 2010, 7:00PM-9:00PM (EST), will be moderated and led by Ven. Kudagammana Seelaratana Thero (Chicago Buddhist Vihara, IL, USA).

The topic for meeting will be a continuation of the discussion on March 6, 2010 (121st Meeting): “Why did Lord Buddha specifically talk about Suffering in his teachings?” {phocadownload view=file|id=24}

In this meeting,  Ven. Kudagammana Seelaratana Thero plans to expand further on the above important topic as well as to facilitate further discussions.



How to Participate

Participants using Telephones:

Dial the USA conference bridge number (+1-805-309-2350) when dialing from USA, Canada or any other country.

Enter the Conference ID ("9120699") followed by # when prompted

Participants using Web:

Please use on a browser to join the conference using a web call if you experience any issues joining the conference using Skype.

Conference ID : 9120699

Participant Commands:
*6 - Unmute/Mute your own line so other people can/can't hear you talking (toggle on/off)

Dhamma Topics

Please contact us

  • To add to our mailing list
  • To contribute articles
  • or If you have any questions, remarks , or suggestions

We would like to invite all participants of the Dhamma Discussion to propose any topics that you would like to be discussed in a forthcoming session. Please e-mail your topics of interest directly to, or submit via "contact us" page . Thanks

May you be well, happy and peaceful!

Click to listen, Sasara Vasana Thuru by W. D Amaradeva

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